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Arvo Pärt
73 Compositions
1959 | Our Garden Cantata | 2032-4231-timp+3-2hp-str-chorus(SSA) | 13' 00'' |
1960 | Nekrolog , op. 5 | 3343-4431-timp+3-pf-str | 12' 00'' |
1963 | Symphony No. 1: Polyphonic | 1111-2110-timp+3-str | 17' 00'' |
1963 | Perpetuum Mobile , op. 10 | 3343-4431-timp+5-str | 6' 00'' |
1966 | Symphony No. 2 | 3343-6440-timp+6-hp-pf-str | 14' 00'' |
1966 | Concerto for Violoncello: Pro et Contra | 1111-1110-timp+3-pf-str-soloist(vc) | 9' 00'' |
1968 | Credo | 4244-4431-timp+9-str-chorus(SATB)-soloist(pf) | 12' 00'' |
1972/2023 | Symphony No. 3 | 3343-4441-timp+2-cel-str | 21' 00'' |
1973 | Collage on B-A-C-H | 0100-0000-pf-str | 8' 00'' |
1976/2019 | Wenn Bach Bienen gezüchtet hätte... | 2222-1000-3perc-pf-str | 20' 00'' |
1976 | Pari intervallo | str-soloists(cl,tbn) | 6' 00'' |
1976 | An den Wassern zu Babel saßen wir und weinten with Choir | 1111-1000-str( | 8' 00'' |
1976 | An den Wassern zu Babel saßen wir und weinten for Trombone | 0020-1000-str-soloist(tbn) | 8' 00'' |
1977/1991 | Summa | str | 5' 00'' |
1977/1991 | Fratres for Strings and Percussion | 1perc-str | 12' 00'' |
1977/1992 | Fratres for Violin | 1perc-str-soloist(vln) | 12' 00'' |
1977/2002 | Fratres for Guitar (arr. Barreuco ) | 1perc-str-soloist(gtr) | 12' 00'' |
1977/2007 | Fratres for Chamber Orchestra | 1111-1000-1perc-str | 12' 00'' |
1977/2008 | Fratres for Viola | 1perc-str-soloist(vla) | 12' 00'' |
1977 | Tabula Rasa for Violin, Viola, Prepared Piano, and Strings | pf-str-soloist(vla) | 25' 00'' |
1977 | Tabula Rasa for Two Violins, Prepared Piano, and Strings | pf-str-soloist(vln) | 25' 00'' |
1977 | Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten | 1perc-str | 6' 00'' |
1980/2008 | De profundis | 1111-1110-1perc-str-chorus(TTBB) | 7' 00'' |
1984/2001 | Wallfahrtslied | str-chorus(BarT) | 9' 00'' |
1985/1992 | Te Deum | pf-str-chorus(SSSAAATTTBBB) | 30' 00'' |
1985/1995 | Psalom | str | 5' 00'' |
1985 | Stabat mater | str-chorus(SAT) | 24' 00'' |
1988/2015 | Greater Antiphons | str | 13' 00'' |
1988 | Festina lente | hp-str | 6' 00'' |
1989/2000 | Mein Weg | 1perc-str | 7' 00'' |
1990 | Statuit ei Dominus | 2222-0000-timp-str-chorus(SSAATTBB) | 6' 00'' |
1990 | Beatus Petronius | 2222-0000-1perc-str-chorus(SSAATTBB) | 5' 00'' |
1990 | Berliner Messe | str-chorus(SATB)-soloists(SATB) | 24' 00'' |
1991 | Silouans Song | str | 5' 00'' |
1992 | Trisagion | str | 13' 00'' |
1994/1996 | Litany | 2222-2110-3perc-str-chorus(SATB)-soloists(ATTB) | 23' 00'' |
1994 | Concerto "Piccolo" über B-A-C-H | pf-str-soloist(tpt) | 8' 00'' |
1995 | Darf ich... | 1perc-str-soloist(vln) | 4' 00'' |
1997/1995 | Fratres for Violoncello | 1perc-str-soloist(vc) | 12' 00'' |
1997/2018 | Prayer | str-chorus(SATB) | 13' 00'' |
1998 | Como cierva sedienta for Soprano | 3333-4230-timp+5-hp-str-soloist(S) | 30' 00'' |
1998 | Como cierva sedienta for Female Choir | 3333-4230-timp+5-hp-str-chorus(SA) | 30' 00'' |
1999 | Cantique des degrés | 2222-4221-timp+1-str-chorus(SATB) | 7' 00'' |
2000 | Cecilia vergine romana | 2222-4221-2perc-hp-str-chorus(SATB) | 18' 00'' |
2000 | Swansong | 2332-4230-timp+2-hp-str | 6' 00'' |
2000 | Orient and Occident | str | 7' 00'' |
2001/2011 | Salve Regina | cel-str-chorus(SATB) | 12' 00'' |
2002/2006 | Christmas Lullaby for Female Choir | str-chorus(SA) | 2' 00'' |
2002/2006 | Estonian Lullaby for Female Choir | str-chorus(SA) | 2' 00'' |
2002/2006 | Estonian Lullaby for Soprano and Mezzo-Soprano | str-soloists(SM) | 2' 00'' |
2002/2006 | Christmas Lullaby for Voice | str-soloist(v) | 2' 00'' |
2002 | Lamentate | 3222-4220-timp+6-str-soloist(pf) | 36' 00'' |
2003/2007 | Passacaglia for Two Violins | str-soloists(2vln) | 5' 00'' |
2003/2007 | Passacaglia for Violin | str-soloist(vln) | 5' 00'' |
2003 | In principio | 3223-4341-timp+3-str-chorus(SATB) | 20' 00'' |
2004/2006 | Da pacem Domine for Mixed Choir and Orchestra | 2222-4221-timp+1-str-chorus(SATB) | 6' 00'' |
2004/2006 | Da pacem Domine for Mixed Choir and Strings | str-chorus(SATB) | 6' 00'' |
2004/2006 | Da pacem Domine for Strings | str | 6' 00'' |
2004/2008 | L'abbé Agathon (arr. Kõrvits ) | str-chorus(SA)-soloists(SA) | 15' 00'' |
2005/2013 | Vater unser for Boy's Voice | str-soloist(bchr) | 3' 00'' |
2005/2015 | Sequentia for Percussion and Strings | 3perc-str | 5' 00'' |
2005/2015 | La Sindone for Orchestra | 0000-0110-timp+4-str | 14' 00'' |
2005/2019 | La Sindone for Violin and Orchestra | 0000-0110-timp+3-str-soloist(vln) | 14' 00'' |
2005/2019 | Vater unser for Choir | str-chorus(SATB) | 3' 00'' |
2005/2019 | Sequentia for Violin, Percussion, and Strings | 2perc-str-soloist(vln) | 5' 00'' |
2006/2009 | Veni creator | str-chorus(SATB) | 3' 00'' |
2006 | Für Lennart in memoriam | str | 7' 00'' |
2008 | "These Words..." | 2perc-str | 13' 00'' |
2008 | Alleluia-Tropus | str-chorus(SATB) | 6' 00'' |
2008 | Symphony No. 4: Los Angeles | timp+3-hp-str | 36' 00'' |
2009 | Adam's Lament | str-chorus(SATB) | 24' 00'' |
2009 | Silhouette | 4perc-str | 7' 00'' |
2010 | In spe | 1111-1000-str | 8' 00'' |
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Are you passionate about orchestral repertoire, equitable programming, and advancement of music of living composers? We'd like to work with you.