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Gabriela Lena Frank
23 Compositions
2000 | Elegía Andina | 2222-2200-timp+1-str | 11' 00'' |
2001 | Leyendas: An Andean Walkabout | str | 21' 00'' |
2003 | Three Latin American Dances | 3333-4330-timp+4-hp-pf-str | 20' 00'' |
2003 | Havana Jila | 2perc-str(no cb)-soloist(vln) | 5' 00'' |
2004 | Illapa | 0222-4220-timp+4-hp-pf-str-soloist(fl) | |
2005 | Manchay tiempo | timp+4-hp-pf-str | 13' 00'' |
2007 | La Llorona | 2222-2220-timp+3-hp-pf-cel-str | |
2007 | Compadrazgo | 2222-0000-2perc-hp-str-soloists(pf,vc) | 26' 00'' |
2008 | Peregrinos | 2222-2200-timp+3-hp-pf-cel-str | |
2008 | Two American Portraits | 3222-2220-timp+3-hp-str | |
2010 | Escaramuza | timp+4-hp-pf-str | 8' 00'' |
2012 | Requiem for a Magical America | 2222-4230-timp+3-pf-str | |
2012 | Concertino Cusqueño | 2222-2200-timp+3-hp-cel-str | 10' 00'' |
2012 | Raíces | 2222-2200-timp+2-hp-str | |
2013 | Karnavalingo | 3322-2220-3perc-hp-pf-str | 8' 00'' |
2015 | Cuentos errantes | str-soloist(pf) | |
2016 | Five Scenes | 1111-1100-2perc-hp-pf-str | |
2017 | Conquest Requiem | 3333-2221-timp+3-hp-pf-str-chorus(SATB)-soloists(SBar) | 38' 00'' |
2017 | Apu | 3332-2220-3perc-hp-pf-str | 14' 00'' |
2017 | Walkabout: Concerto for for Orchestra | 3333-2320-3perc-hp-pf-str | 30' 00'' |
2020 | Haillí-Serenata | str | 8' 00'' |
2020 | Pachamama Meets an Ode | 2222-2200-2perc-str-chorus(SATB) | 11' 00'' |
2021 | Contested Eden | 3333-4200-4perc-hp-pf-str |
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We Want Your Help!
Are you passionate about orchestral repertoire, equitable programming, and advancement of music of living composers? We'd like to work with you.