


Péter Eötvös

36 Compositions

1985/1990 Steine 1121-2221-3perc-hp-cel-str 10' 00''
1986 Chinese Opera 2232-2221-timp+3-hp-str 26' 00''
1990 Brass - The Metal Space 0000-2221-2perc 22' 00''
1993 Psychokosmos 3333-4441-timp+4-hp-cel-str-soloist(hschd) 16' 00''
1995/2010 Atlantis 5555-6652-10perc-2hp-str-soloists(b.S,cim,Bar) 40' 00''
1996 Shadows 1121-2110-timp+1-cel-str-soloists(fl,cl) 15' 00''
1998 Replica 2232-2221-2perc-hp-cel-str-soloist(vla) 15' 00''
1999 zeroPoints 4343-4331-timp+4-2hp-str 14' 00''
2001 Snatches of a Conversation 1010-0010-1perc-str 12' 00''
2002/2016 Jet Stream 4343-4331-4perc-cel-str-soloist(tpt) 20' 00''
2002 IMA 3232-3331-4perc-str-chorus(SATB)-soloists(SSSAAATTTBBB) 18' 00''
2005 CAP-KO 2232-2222-3perc-cel-str-soloist(pf) 20' 00''
2006 Seven 3343-2221-4perc-hp-str-soloist(vln) 24' 00''
2007/2010 Levitation str-soloists(2cl) 20' 00''
2007/2012 Concerto for Two Pianos 2232-2222-3perc-cel-str-soloists(2pf) 20' 00''
2007 Octet Plus 1012-0220-soloist(S) 19' 00''
2008 Octet 1012-0220 15' 00''
2011/2016 The Gliding of the Eagle in the Skies 3333-4331-timp+3-2hp-str 12' 00''
2011 Concerto Grosso for Cello 3333-2230-timp+4-hp-cel-str-soloist(vc) 27' 00''
2012/2013 Speaking Drums 2121-2110-2perc-hp-pf-str-soloist(perc) 20' 00''
2012/2013 Concerto for Violin No. 2: DoReMi 3232-2210-3perc-hp-cel-str-soloist(vln) 23' 00''
2013 Hommage à Domenico Scarlatti str-soloist(hn) 9' 00''
2014 da capo for Cimbalom 1121-1111-1perc-str-soloist(cim) 17' 00''
2014 da capo for Marimba 1121-1111-1perc-str-soloist(perc) 17' 00''
2015 Halleluja: Oratorium balbulum 4333-4331-timp+4-2hp-pf-str-chorus(SATB)-soloists(n,MT) 54' 00''
2016 Sinfonia 4333-4331-4perc-hp-pf-str 24' 00''
2017 Multiversum 3333-4331-2timp+3-cel-str-soloists(org, 35' 00''
2018 Reading Malevich 3333-4331-4perc-hp-cel-cim-str 20' 00''
2018 per Luciano Berio 2223-2221-2perc-2hp-str 4' 00''
2018 Concerto for Violin No. 3: Alhambra 2232-2220-2perc-hp-cel-str 21' 00''
2019 Aurora str-soloist(cb) 19' 00''
2020 Sirens' Song 3333-2220-2perc-str 13' 00''
2020 Fermata 1121-1110-1perc-pf-str 18' 00''
2020 Cziffra Psodia 2232-4221-timp+2-cel-str-soloist(pf) 29' 00''
2021 Concerto for Saxophone: Focus 2232-0210-2perc-pf-str-soloist(sax) 20' 00''
2022 LIGETIDYLL 1121-1110-2perc-pf-str 12' 00''